Condition Improvement Fund (CIF)

We have an outstanding track record of achieving successful CIF applications with millions of pounds secured for our clients. Our success rate exceeds 81% of all applications submitted on behalf of our clients. We can provide FREE bid support for your Academy this year!


We have unrivalled knowledge of how to put together successful applications and also know how difficult and time-consuming this can be for individual academies and Business Managers.


At RAM Building Consultancy we take responsibility for putting together the applications, leaving your academy to concentrate on your core activities.


RAM Building Consultancy will consult with you to assess your site and make recommendations for the priority of works and which are likely to be successful. As we can advise you on the best projects to bid for and guide you on the best strategy for submission, we are able to provide you with the BEST chances of success! The CIF guidelines are very clear about the amount and level of detail required and we completely understand that this may seem daunting to some academies. We will guide you through this entire process and submit comprehensive bids, which will be carefully targeted to the ESFA guidelines, ensuring the best possible outcome.


Much of our bid writing process is done FREE OF CHARGE giving a low risk option to academies who want to apply for funding but do not have the time or technical knowledge to develop their own bids.


Another record year of CIF bids, with a 81% success rate and over £36.2M of funding secured for our academy clients.
RAM Building Consultancy secure instruction to work with a Multi Academy Trust with multiple sites covering Dorset and Wiltshire, RAM will be offering Professional Services to secure successful CIF funding across their estate
“We were successful with BOTH bids! It simply wouldn’t have been possible without the support and expert advice RAM Building Consultancy provided!”

Joe McCormick, Rookery School

  • Write entire bids, or offer support to help Business Managers write bids
  • Go out to the market for competitive quotations during the CIF bid stage
  • Write Specifications, Produce Drawings and Prepare Contract Documentation
  • Manage the project on site if the bid is successful using our in-house Building Surveyors
  • Complete and submit progress reports on the EFA portal
  • Provide in house H&S/Principal Designer Services
  • Provide in house Cost Management Services
  • Procure expert advice from specialists such as structural, Fire and M&E Engineers



The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) is an annual bidding round for eligible academies, sixth-form colleges and non-diocesan VA schools to apply for capital funding. The priority for the fund is to address significant condition need, keeping education provider buildings safe and in good working order. This includes funding projects to address health and safety issues, building compliance and poor building condition. The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) has replaced the Academies Capital Maintenance Fund (ACMF) and the Building Condition Improvement Fund (BCIF).

You need to act now. Important dates for the 2024 to 2025 CIF round are likely to follow previous years.

In order to be successful, you must prepare high quality bids and it is essential academies start this process as soon as possible - it is important that you do not wait for the announcement.

Launch of CIF 2024-2025: Information for applicants published and online application window opens.
Deadline for new applicants to register for an account.
Deadline for applicants to submit applications with all supporting documents.
MAY 2024
Applicants notified of outcome.

CIF's core priority is to support condition projects and the focus of the fund is to keep school and college buildings safe and in good working order.

In our experience, every academy should be looking to submit two CIF Bids per year unless you are in a very modern and well-maintained building. In order to prepare high quality bids, it is essential that academies start this process as soon as possible and in September/October at the latest

The works are prioritised as:

HIGHEST PRIORITY - Legislation Compliance and Health & Safety – where there is a risk of school closure, including:
  • Emergency & managed asbestos removal to facilitate essential works
  • Gas safety
  • Electrical safety
  • Water services - (hot and cold) and drainage
  • ventilation/air quality and thermal comfort
  • Fire safety
  • Security and safeguarding
  • HIGH PRIORITY - Life Expired Condition Replacement – where there is a risk of school closure, including:
  • Building structure
  • Mechanical systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Utility capacity and connections
  • MEDIUM PRIORITY - Life Expired Condition Replacement, including:
  • Building fabric – internal or external
  • Building structure
  • Mechanical systems
  • Water services - (hot and cold) and drainage
  • ventilation/air quality and thermal comfort
  • Fire safety
  • Security and safeguarding