M&J Group (Construction & Roofing) Ltd
The school were issued with a dangerous building notice by the local authority and as such, contacted RAM to carry out a review to the gable walls which were failing at high level, leaving the building users at a significant risk. The school buildings on site were all Grade II listed, meaning notification to the local authority on the permitted works.
RAM Building Consultancy proceeded with an Urgent Capital Support bid for the gable wall demolition and re-building ensuring any decorative and ornate brickwork was re-used to stratify the local conservation officers. In addition, due to the requirement of removal of the existing clay tiles, the bid included for the full roof replacement works, including insulation to the latest building regulations.
The scheme was fully tendered and programmed as part of the bid process, and as a result the scheme was completed with minimal disruption by the contractor.
Following the funding announcement and due to the extensive nature of the works, the school followed a classroom re-allocation programme with close liaison with M&J Group’s Site Manager to ensure there was no disruption to the daily school activities. The project was a success, and all delivered within the original programme and budget.