
Our Independent damp surveyors have carried out effective and professional damp surveys for all types of properties, to offer suitable solutions to rectify any damp issues that a property may have. Damp surveys and diagnosing any moisture issue in a residential or commercial property should always be treated as a priority.
If you are worried about a damp problem in your property, a damp survey could identify the extent of the problem. Our comprehensive and independent damp surveys, performed by our team of specialist damp surveyors, are thorough inspections that locate the cause of penetrating damp, rising damp, mould, and condensation problems and create a report with photographic evidence to show what the cause is and recommendation on how to fix it.
Damp is commonly caused by the build-up of excess moisture within a building, usually from condensation or intrusion from the exterior of the property. Damp problems can also appear after heavy rainfall due to leaky guttering or damaged roof tiles. There are many different causes of damp.
Damp and mould growth under the HHSRS covers threats to health associated with the increased prevalence of house dust mites and/or mould or fungal growths resulting from dampness and/or high humidity within a property. Click here to find out more about HHSRS Inspections and Guidance.
Understanding the difference between the types of damp problems can be difficult, having a damp survey carried out will identify the type of damp issue and cause.
Damp areas are often only noticed when it becomes visible, and you find a damp patch on your wall or plaster. It is important to contact our team of specialist damp surveyors as soon as you notice a damp issue in your property. Acting fast will minimise risk to structure, which can lead to costly repairs.
A damp survey will include both external and internal inspection. External checks for building defects which could result in damp ingress is carried out. Assessing the construction detail, such as whether the walls are solid, cavity construction, whether there is a physical damp proof course visible etc.
When looking for signs of damp ingress from defects in the fabric of the property, or damp surveyors will be looking for things like defects in external gutters and down-pipes (rainwater goods), loose or missing pointing, cracks in external render coatings, poorly maintained external decorations, gaps around door and window frames, cracked or broken external window sills, defective roof coverings, flashings etc. and whether there are areas of high external ground level which could result in damp “bridging” any existing damp proof courses.
The internal checks during the damp survey will assess areas visually and with the aid of a damp meter. Checking the walls where there are no apparent visual signs of damp in case the damp problem is new and hasn’t damaged the decorations yet, plus where visual dampness is evident, or where an elevated damp reading is found. The meter will be used to assess the extent of the damp both vertically and horizontally.
If damp on your walls is coming up from the ground, this would give a good indication to rising damp. Generally rising damp is first noticed by the damage it causes to the internal walls of a building. Plaster and paint can deteriorate, and wallpaper tends to come loose. The cause of rising damp can be failed DPC (damp proof course), in older houses DPC may not exist at all. If you don’t have a DPC or there is evidence that it has failed then there is nothing to prevent the water from travelling up the wall.
If moisture is coming in through the roof or higher up the walls, then it is more likely to be penetrating damp also known as lateral damp. Common signs of penetrating damp include damp staining on the external walls, damp patches on walls or ceilings, damaged plaster, signs of spores of black mould that are isolated to one are and drips. The cause of penetrating damp can vary, from different types of building defects to porous walls, a damp survey can identify the cause of penetrating damp.
OIf you are noticing water droplets on windows and walls along with black mould growth, condensation is the probable damp cause. A lack of ventilation is the biggest cause of condensation. Extraction, single glazed windows, and no insulation in areas where there is a chance for warm air are big contributing factors.
- Peeling wallpaper
- Watermarks
- Damaged plaster
- Black mould
- Damp patches
If you would like a full damp survey, get in contact with our specialist team of independent damp surveyors today.
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