The school found that the condition of their heating system had deteriorated over the years, to the point where a complete breakdown was a real threat. RAM were appointed by the Aspire Academy Trust to apply for CIF funding to replace the three life expired gas boilers and all associated pipework that service localised heating, plus associated pipework.
Whilst preparing the Bid, RAM conducted a free condition survey, to ensure they had suitable evidence for the school to replace their boiler system.
After successfully obtaining more than £250,000 to finance the boiler replacement works, we were appointed to undertake the role of Lead Designer, Principal Designer and Contract Administrator.
We managed the programme of works and all Health and Safety requirements of the project from inception through to completion. Works were traditionally tendered prior to the CIF Bid submission with all design and specification prepared by our in our Building Services team. A contractor was appointed for the works following the ESFA funding announcement.
The project was completed on time, within budget and to the satisfaction of the client. The replacement boilers are a lot more energy efficient which has resulted in the academy saving on annual utility costs – costs of which can be reinvested into other areas of the academy.