Our aim is to make your School Condition Allocation (SCA Funding) go further.
RAM will be your funding partner, and as part of the process we will liaise with all schools to understand the level of information they currently hold and provide the board/trust with recommendation.
The recommendations will include, but certainly not limited to:
- Building Condition Survey’s
- Measured Surveys
- Fire Risk Assessments
- Asbestos Management Logs
- Safeguarding assessments
- H&S Assessments
- Energy Efficiency surveys
- Space Utilisation surveys
All of which help plan and maintain the school’s estate and is all in accordance with Good Estate Management Guidelines (GEMS).
All planned capital projects will be delivered so the trust can maximise their School Condition Allocation by making considerations of the below:
- Project Planning and Programme (I.e. Time of year projects are undertaken)
- Additional funding streams (e.g. Salix)
- Forward Thinking (e.g. R&D Survey’s to be undertaken in year 1 for the next few years planned projects)
- Bulk buying discounts (batch projects)
- Early procurement (i.e. beat the CIF announcement)
- RAM’s unique Testing and services benefits